

NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE—Good to be back in the office writing the final chapter of my parenting book, after ten productive days in South Africa and Nigeria. The wholehearted full volume African worship made my otherwise exuberant home churches (Victory Manila and Bethel...
4 Church Growth Secrets from 2,800 Years Ago

4 Church Growth Secrets from 2,800 Years Ago

NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE—Most pastors, church planters, and campus missionaries are in the ministry because they want to obey God, serve people, and change the world. Sure, some have messed-up motives, but most have pure hearts. And most want to grow in terms of...
Wise Leaders Listen to Old Men

Wise Leaders Listen to Old Men

It seems like every time I get around leaders my age the conversation eventually meanders to the topic of multi-generational ministry and succession planning. Some already have a succession plan. Some are working on a succession plan. Others have no interest in...
Wise Leaders Listen to Old Men

Leaders Lead

Leadership is not complicated. It is simple. I’m not saying it is easy. Just simple. Want to be a leader? Then lead. See, it’s that simple. But difficult. And costly. And time-consuming. And painful. But you need to lead anyway. Stop waiting around for someone to give...
Wise Leaders Listen to Old Men

Why We Need Big Brothers

NOTE: While doing research for the parenting book I am trying to write, I stumbled on an old blog from deep in the archives that needed to be re-posted. Enjoy. “I’ll only go if James goes.” Jonathan, my five-year-old, absolutely refused to go to children’s church...
Don’t Quit

Don’t Quit

This is an odd blog title since it seems like I quit blogging. There are many reasons for my blog delinquency, but only one is legit, the others are just lame excuses. Here’s my respectable reason for my invisible blogs of late: most of my writing energy is being...