One of the fringe benefits of working in Nashville an extra few weeks during wintertime is the change of weather. In the Philippines we have three seasons: hot, hotter, and hot & wet. Rainy season is a nice name for typhoon season which is Filipino for hurricane season. After many years of shorts and sandals in January, we are enjoying the change of scenery and footwear. It even snowed a few days ago. A real Tennessee blizzard, which means at least a quarter inch of snow. Jonathan ran outside and made the ugliest snowman ever. Actually it was more like a “snow-midget” not a snowman, but what do you expect with only three centimeters of snow to work with.

Please pray for me as I have several strategy, budget, and administrative meetings the next few weeks for different departments including Every Nation Campus Ministries, Every Nation Leadership Institute, Every Nation Youth, and Every Nation Churches.