Here is a quote from a recent Fortune magazine interview with Jim Collins (of Good to Great fame) followed by my comments.

“Lasting excellence in corporations seems to stem less from decisions about strategy than decisions about people . . . the greatest decisions are not what but who.”

I think Jesus would agree with this idea. While the Bible tells us little about His evangelism and discipleship strategy, we are told that Jesus spent a whole night in prayer preparing to pick His first twelve disciples. He made the right people decisions, and He modeled for His disciples how to make good people decisions.

If we follow Bro. Jim’s advice and Jesus’ example to pick and train the right people, then almost any strategy will work.

For instance, many churches are experiencing great growth through what is now being called the “Ephesians 4:12 Strategy,” not because it is a good strategy, but because good people are working the strategy.

Yes, the strategy is important, but even a great strategy is only as good as the people behind it.