Iranians, Indians, Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, Malaysians, Mongolians, Filipinos, Samoans, Kiwis, Bengalis, and Burmese. 280 pastors from 28 nations. Our annual Asian Pastors’ Equipping Conference was held in Manila for the first time two weeks ago. We decided to give Larry and the Singaporeans a one year break, but we’ll all be back on Orchard Blvd. for next year’s APEC.
I wish you all could have heard the testimonies and reports from China, Iran, and Vietnam. Our missionaries and local leaders in these nations are doing so much with so little in the face of so much danger. They were a good reminder that there is a lost world to reach, and much of it is hostile to our faith and our message, requiring great sacrifice and risk to get the job done.