I’ve never been much of a goal-setter. Did new year goals once—about fifteen years ago—and never looked at them again. Can’t remember what those goals were. Probably didn’t matter anyway.

No big goals or resolutions for 2009—but here are three things I want to do.

1 – Honor God – every day, in every situation, in every relationship, with every decision.

2 – Make Disciples – at home, at work, at church. I want to help people help follow Jesus.

3 – Read the Bible – I used to read the whole thing—from contents to maps—every year. Haven’t done that in a few years. Need to do it in 2009.

Yea, I figure if I can honor Godmake disciples, and read my Bible, then 2009 should be a pretty good year. And in the process, I’ll probably be a better Christian, a better husband, a better Dad, and a better pastor/missionary/leader.

How about you, what do you want to do in 2009?

***same post on my accidental missionary site today***