I travel. A lot.
During a ten-day stretch earlier this summer, I was in Dubai, Cairo, Alexandria, Manila, and Nashville. Right now I am in Fusagasuga, Columbia. In forty-eight hours I will be back in Nashville, then in five days, it’s back to South Africa for our Campus Harvest conference. Then Nashville, then Calgary, Nashville, Honolulu, Manila. . .
That’s my life.
I am often asked how I deal with jet lag. Here are my current top six jet lag recovery tips.
- LOCAL TIME. Immediately upon landing, set all watches and clocks to local time and don’t even think about thinking about what time it is at home.
- WATER. Drink lots of it. Not soft drinks, coffee, or tea. Water is the miracle jet lag recovery elixir.
- EXERCISE. No matter how tired you feel, on your first day in a new time zone, you have to get on the elliptical trainer, the treadmill, the stationary bike, or some exercise torture machine that makes you sweat. Repeat every day until jet lag surrenders.
- SUNSHINE. Get outside and in the sun and jet lag melts away.
- GET BUSY. Don’t sit around acting tired. There must be a reason you traveled to a different time zone, so get busy doing what you are there to do.
- STAY AWAKE. No matter how tired you think you are, do not sleep or nap until local bedtime. That nap will only empower and prolong jet lag.
More Accidental Missionary Travel Tips coming soon.