I have about 30 minutes for this blog while I wait for my Atlanta to Lima, Peru, flight.
As usual, I will hit the ground running—four days of training pastors and church planters. The goal of this trip is to help Peruvian pastors understand how to lead a healthy church.
For four days we will discuss and dissect the following seven essential elements for a healthy church.
1. DISCIPLESHIP PROCESS. A simple, duplicable, transferrable, and biblical discipleship process is the starting line if we want a healthy church rather than a religious crowd.
2. EMPOWERING LEADERSHIP. It is not enough for a church to have great leaders. In fact, a strong leader can be a weakness, if that leader is not empowering. Healthy churches empower multiple generations of leaders rather than creating a “Man of God Syndrome” where paid professionals do all the ministry.
3. ENGAGING WORSHIP SERVICES. This is much more than good music. Essential elements of inspiring and engaging worship services include anointed songs, excellent music, dynamic preaching, theological depth, relevant communication, spiritual power, presence of God, relational connection.
4. FUNCTIONAL STRUCTURES. Too many church leaders act as if organizational excellence and spiritual life are mutually exclusive. On the contrary, well-developed ministry roles and clearly defined lines of authority actually enhance spiritual life.
5. MISSION ALIGNMENT. For a church that is part of network, fellowship, movement, or denomination commitment to the corporate mission, vision, and values is essential. For churches in Every Nation Ministries, that means a commitment to church planting, campus ministry, and world mission.
6. HEALTHY RELATIONSHIPS. It is impossible to exaggerate the importance of relationships. Key relationships that must be healthy include the pastor and his wife and kids, the pastor and his peers, the pastor and his local leadership team, the pastor and his mentors.
7. FINANCES. Money does not make a church healthy, but an unbiblical view of money will make a church unhealthy. Integrity, generosity, and wisdom are the foundations of healthy money management in a church context.
That’s it. Gotta run to gate A7. . .